IBM 360/25, printer
Produced at University of Paris VIII
“La conjuration par le rire” [Incantation by Laughter]
O irriez, les rieurs!
O éclairez, rieurs!
Qui riez de rires, qui riaillez riassement.
Éclairez souriamment!
O surraillerie irriante – rire des sourieux rioneun!
O dérie riolemment – rire des railleux riairds!
Rillesse, rillesse,
Irrie, irraille, rirettes, rirettes,
Rirotteurs, rirotteurs!
O irriez. les rieurs!
O éclairez, rieurs!
Jean-Claude Marquette encoded the sing le letters of “La conjuration par le rire” – the French translation of the poem Заклятие смехом (Zakliatie smekhom) [Incantation by Laughter] by Viktor Khlebnikov – into a binary sequence of zeros and ones. Marquette applied a 6-bit code. The letter “A,” for example corresponded to “010001,” the letter “B” to “010010: etc., 0 and 1 were then replaced by a void (white) and several superimposed letters (black). This black-and-white computer print served as the model to produce a cardboard stencil, which was used to paint the pattern in color on paper. The pictures reproduced here were not painted by hand, but produced by serigraphy.” [”[Rosen, 2011]":Publication@325]