compArt | i |
name: compArt

compArt is a group of sientists and students around the computer art Pioneer Frieder Nake.
In the period from 1998 to 2018 they have reCoded numerous works from the period of early computer art (since the mid-1960s) and made them accessible in interactive form under the metaphor: “entering the images.”

The main core of the group consists of Frieder Nake, Susanne Grabowski, Matthias Krauß and Jörn Ketelsen.

Works that compArt created are:

  • compArt dada: database early algorithmic art
  • compArt labs: interactive learning labs and reCodes with educational intention
  • compArt galeries: computer-graphically reconstructed and walkable art locations of the time.
  • compArt interactive installations: reCodes of famous works for museums.
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