Susan Grabowski | i |
last name: Grabowski
first name: Susan
also known as: susanne + suzi
birthday: January 6, 1967
birth-place: Augsburg (Germany)

Susan Grabowski has a long friendship and cooperation with computer art pioneer, Frieder Nake, since 1998 on various topics and projects of early digital art. She has been a member of the long-term project »compArt: a space for computer art«. Here she developed together with Matthias Krauß interactive learning labs and interactive installations of some works by Frieder Nake and other pioneers of algorithmic art.

She is a co-creator and contributor of »compArt: dada« the database of early computer art.

From 2013 to 2016, she has been prime investigator of »The Algorithmic Dimension in Visual Art«, a project supported by the Volkswagen Foundation. During this time, numerous reCodings of notable works were created and partly prepared for educational purposes (e.g. for museums and schools).

Until 2018 she was a lecturer and researcher in the Digital Media Program at University of Bremen (Germany). Her focus is on mediation of digital (»computer«) art in education and culture.

Since 2018 she works and lives in Switzerland.
Her concern is still to integrate algorithmic art in computer science education, to prepare algorithmic art for educational purpose and to integrate it into school curricula. Every child should know works of the big pioneers Frieder Nake, Manfred Mohr, Vera Molnar and some others …


1967-1990 Grew up in an engineering family with many computers. Interests in painting, graphic design, people and technology
1990-1997 Educational science studies and media education in Munich and Augsburg Degrees: »Dipl. Sozialpädagoge« & »Dipl. Pädagoge«
2007 Degree of a Dr.-Ing. in Digital Media from University of Bremen (Germany), title of the thesis: »SignSpace. Digital Media in Study Environments: the Case of Computer Art« A contribution to »reCoding« and mediation of algorithmic art.(reviewers: Heidi Schelhowe (University of Bremen), Bardo Herzig (University of Paderborn), Frieder Nake (University of Bremen).
1998-2018 Lecturer and researcher at University of Bremen (Germany) in Frieder Nake’s compArt Center of Excellence Digital Art. Topics are: mediation of computer art in education & culture; interactive installations & drawing machines.
2018-2021 Lecturer PH Zürich für MI (Medien + Informatik) für primary school teachers.
since 2022 Researcher EPFL Lausanne. groups MOBOTS and LEARN. working with Francesco Mondada, the father of the educational robot THYMIO. Concepts for learning with the robot in primary schools and in the subject BG (Bildnerisches Gestalten). Combining educational robotics with algorithmic art.
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