Square | i |
title: Square
date: September 18, 2005 – April 23, 2006

“The Marli Hoppe-Ritter Collection concentrates on the square in art, and shows that a thematically limited collection is in no way uninteresting but is, on the contrary, exciting and overflowing in unexpected depths and breadths. In the collection’s first presentation in its own building, its scope will become clear for the first time. The art spans early Constructivism to the various directions of Concrete Art of the 1920s to the 1950s, via the “Zurich Concretes” and “Arte Programmata” in Italy, via ZERO and Kinetic Art to the current movements in computer art and installations. It is an exhibition that represents the broad portions of the history of art in the 20th century and takes us into the beginning of the 21st. (Martin Stather)” [Museum Ritter, n.d.]

More on the opening of the exhibition can be found on the website of the Museum Ritter.

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