Vera Molnar | i |
last name: Molnar
first name: Vera
birthday: January 5, 1924
birth-place: Budapest (Hungary)

Vera Molnar belongs to the famous early computer artists. She started as a simple painter at the age of twelve. Her first subject matter were nymphs and trees. She soon progressed to more geometrical themes. In 1968 she started working with computers. Her work during this period focused on the breakup of repeating units, often expressed as a series of increasingly fractured images.

(cf. DAM: | consulted 08.12.09)


1942-47 studied painting and for a diploma in art history and aesthetics at the Budapest College of Fine Arts.
1946 first non-representational images are created.
Abstract, geometrically and systematically determined painting.
1947 artists’ fellowship in Rome at the Villa Julia
moved to France
1947-60 occasional co-operation with François Molnar
1948 marriage to François Molnar
1959-68 works with the machine imaginaire method
1960 Co-founder of the artist group GRAV
First participation in an exhibition organized by her friend Max Bill with the title Konkrete Kunst (Concrete Art) in Zürich, Helmhaus
1967 Co-founder of the artist group Art et Informatique at the Parisian Institut d’Esthétique et des Science de l’Art
1968 first computer graphics are designed: thereafter continuous work with the computer
1974-76 development of the Molnart computer software programme jointly with her husband
1976 first single exhibition ’’Transformations’’ at the gallery of the London Polytechnic
1979 works at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, at the Atelier de Recherche des Techniques Avancées (ARTA)
1980 member of the CREIAV at the Université de Paris I, Sorbonne
The first artist’s book ‘’Ein Prozent Unordnung’’ is published by Wedgepress & Cheese in Bjerred (Sweden)
1985-90 professor in fine arts and aestehtics and art history at the Université de Paris I, Sorbonne
Since 1990 her works are on display at major European exhibitions on non-representational art and avantgarde
The first installative work is created fort he Foundation of Concrete Art, Reutlingen
1999 large monographic exhibition ‘’Extrait de 100 000 milliards des lignes’’ at the Centre de Recherche, d’Échange et de Diffusion pur l’Art Contemporain (CRÉDAC) in Ivry-sur-Seine
2005 recipient of the first [ddaa] for her life’s work.
posted almost 9 years ago
Delighted to encounter this site today. Better late than never, but I wish it had been earlier. Looking forward to exploring.
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