Computer-Generated Pictures (Noll & Julesz) | i |
title: Computer-Generated Pictures (Noll & Julesz)
date: April 6, 1965 – April 24, 1965

The exhibition of works by A. Michael Noll and Béla Julesz at the Howard Wise Gallery in New York City in 1965 was the earliest such exhibition in the United States. It was on display from April 6 through 24, 1965, two months only after the first ever digital computer graphics exhibition in Stuttgart (Germany).

The gallery rooms were shared with the works of another exhibition. It is not really known why this was necessary.

A bit to the disappointment of artists and gallerist, none of the exhibited pictures were sold. Their expectations had been different. There was also little press coverage only.

Noll writes in a later article: “[…] an effort was made by AT&T [the company Noll] was working for] to halt the exhibit. […] Bell Labs gave Béla [Julesz] and me permission to copyright all the pictures in our own names.” Therefore the copyright notes on the prints give 1965 as the year, despite the fact that some of the works had been created earlier. In the same article, Noll also states that reactions to the exhibition were disappointing and they did not sell a single image. However, the New York Times wrote enthusiastically about the exhibition.

Noll has in 2014 published his own description of early events in computer art.

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