Moderna Museet Stockhom | i |
name: Moderna Museet Stockhom
location: Stockholm (Sweden)

Moderna Museet has one of the world’s finest collections of art from 1900 to the present day, including key works by artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Louise Bourgeois, Pablo Picasso, Niki de Saint Phalle, Salvador Dalí, Carolee Schneemann, Henri Matisse and Robert Rauschenberg, along with more recent acquisitions of contemporary art. The collection also comprises photographic art and photography of international renown, spanning from the 1840s until today.

The Moderna Museet collection comprises some 5,000 paintings, sculptures and installations, some 25,000 watercolours, drawings and prints, and some 100,000 photographs. It also contains art videos and films and the artist Einar Hylander’s Apartment on Narvavägen 29 in Stockholm.

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