Digital Art Museum [DAM] | i |
name: Digital Art Museum [DAM]
location: Berlin (Germany)

The private gallery [DAM] Berlin is part and showcase of an overall concept of imparting art that is exclusively dedicated to the influence of the computer and the digital and algorithmic principles in art and society. They are especially interested in the contextual examination of this media and of new artistic forms that come with it.

Since 2003 they have presented young contemporary positions as well as pioneers in the field of digital media. From more cautious beginnings, they have been able to generate a broad range of shows in terms of contents and forms of the works.

Further components of the [DAM] project are
- the online-museum, which has been on the internet since the year 2000,
- the d.velop digital art award [ddaa], which has been awarded in 2005 (Vera Molnar), 2007 (Manfred Mohr), 2009 (Norman White), 2011 (Lynn Hershman-Leeson).
- the [DAM] Cologne gallery as a second site for exhibitions.

source: [] (consulted 11/03/2009)

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