Semiotische und numerische Analyse zweier Holzschnitte von Albrecht Dürer | i |
title: Semiotische und numerische Analyse zweier Holzschnitte von Albrecht Dürer
year: 1968
Bibliographic Entry

Brög, Hans 1968. Semiotische und numerische Analyse zweier Holzschnitte von Albrecht Dürer. Stuttgart:[unknown publisher]

With his disseration ‘Semiotische und numerische Analyse zweier Holzschnitte von Albrecht Dürer’ [Semiotic and numerical analysis of two woodcuts by Albrecht Dürer], from 1968, Hans Brög received his doctorate under Max Bense and Siegfried Maser at the Stuttgart Institute of Technology.
In the preface he explains that by means of Peirce’s methods he conducts a semiotic and semantic image analysis of aesthetical objects with graphical character.

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