»6/7/64 Nr. 20 Zufälliger Polygonzug« by Frieder Nake | i |
creators: Frieder Nake
title: 6/7/64 Nr. 20 Zufälliger Polygonzug
year: 1964

print, b/w, computer-generated

Felt-tip-pen. ink on paper

Hardware: [“Standard Elektrik Lorenz ER56” computer] ZUSE Graphomat Z64
Program: COMPART ER 56

Size: 21.1 by 15.1 cm

„sign. u. bez. u.r. in der Zeichnung: NAKE/ER56/Z64;
; verso dat., bez. u. num.: 6/7/64 Nr. 20 / Nake / 1/1, N“

artwork type: drawing

The computer-generated drawing belongs to the earliest ever by Nake, and also to the very early in all of algorithmic drawings. The generative algorithm is the simplest possible: from the current point draw a randomly chosen edge (direction and length), Stay within the drawing’s boundary.

posted about 11 years ago
"Das ist doch total billig" Frieder Nake 2013
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