Yoichiro Kawaguchi | i |
last name: Kawaguchi
first name: Yoichiro
birthday: 1952
birth-place: Tanegashima Island (Japan)

Yoichiro Kawaguchi began in 1975 to program simple line drawings using FORTRAN when he was a student in a painting program at Kyushu Art and Design University in Fukuoka, Japan. He did his senior research project on computer graphics software, and completed his first animated film (Pollen, 1975). Kawaguchi went right on to graduate school at Tokyo University of Education.

Before Kawaguchi began experimenting with growth algorithms, there were programs that produced simple line drawings of trees and such, but when combined with polygonal models, three-dimensional forms were the result. By substituting a cylinder for a line, and a cone for a point, three-dimensional tree-like forms were randomly constructed using recursive algorithms. Kawaguchi found a great deal of support and enthusiasm for his work through the engineering department at Osaka University. Kawaguchi collaborated with Koichi Omura, a professor of engineering at Osaka University, where a new form of surface rendering was developed into the Meta-ball program. The Meta-ball software was based on implicit surfaces instead of polygonal surfaces (conceptual spheres, rather than flat planes). By combining Kawaguchi’s 3D growth algorithms with the Meta-ball software, life-like forms with organic surfaces were produced. These ever-changing organisms have become the trademark of Kawaguchi’s work.


(source: http://dam.org/dox/2462.ySafC.H.1.De.php)


1952 Born in Tanegashima Island (Japan)
Since 1975 Start creating Computer Graphics, being later an internationally acclaimed CGI artist.
1976 Graduated from Visual Communication Design at Kyushu Institute of Design.
1978 Received his Master degree from Tokyo University of Education.
Since 1982 Since SIGGRAPH’82, he consistently presents work in the United States.
Since 1986 Involved in research work for High Definition TV (HDTV).
1982 ACM-SIGGRAPH’82, Technical Session, “Tendril”, USA.
1983 ACM-SIGGRAPH’83, Electronic Theater, “Growth:Mysterious Galaxy”, USA.
1984 ACM-SIGGRAPH’84, Electronic Theater, “Morphogenesis”, USA.
1984 ACM-SIGGRAPH’84, Course session, “Morphogenesis”, USA.
1985 ACM-SIGGRAPH’85, Electronic Theater, “ORIGIN”, USA.
1986 ACM-SIGGRAPH’86, Electronic Theater, “Ocean”, USA.
1986 Venice Biennale, Italia.
1986 Japan Pavilion EXPO’86, Vancouver, Canada.
1986 Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria.
1987 ACM-SIGGRAPH’87, Electronic Theater, “Float”, USA.
1988 ACM-SIGGRAPH’88, Electronic Theater, “Embryo”, USA.
1989 ACM-SIGGRAPH’89, Electronic Theater, “Flora”, USA.
1989 ACM-SIGGRAPH’89, Panel Session, “Art for HDTV”, USA.
1989 AUSGRAPH’89, Sydney, Australia.
1991 ACM-SIGGRAPH’91, Electronic Theater, “Festival”, USA.
1993 ACM-SIGGRAPH’93, Electronic Theater, “Artificial Life Metropolis:cell”, USA.
1994 ACM-SIGGRAPH’94, Electronic Theater, “Coacervater”, USA.
1995 ACM-SIGGRAPH’95, Artist Sketches, “Gigalopolis”, USA.
1996 ACM-SIGGRAPH’96,Art Show,“Cellular”, USA.
1984 Most excellent animation and artistic merit, EUROGRAPHICS, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1987 Grand Prix, Nouvelles Images Reallon, France.
1987 First Prize-Art, PARIGRAPH, Paris, France.
1987 First Prize-Art, Images du Futur, Montreal, Canada.
1988 First Prize-Art, Images du Futur, Montreal, Canada.
1991 First Prize-Art, IMAGINA, Montecarlo, Monaco.
1991 First Prize-Art, International Electronics Cinema Festival, Switzerland.
1991 Distinction Award for Animation, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria.
1992 First Prize-Art, EUROGRAPHICS, Cambridge, UK.
1993 MMA Chairman Award, Multimedia Grand Prix,Tokyo, Japan.
1997 Gold Medal,Tokyo Techno Forum, Japan.
1997 L’OREAL Grand Prize, L’OREAL Art and Science Foundation, Japan.
posted over 5 years ago
Hi Yoichiro, how are you? It has been a while since we have been in contact but I would love to learn about your new work and also to find out if you have done anything interactive. I am putting together a new show and would love to include you!!! All the very best, Cynthia Goodman
posted over 5 years ago
Hello Mr. Kawaguchi, I am inquiring about the "Laserium" animation from the Multimedia Grand Prix 2000. As I understand, you were chairman of the judging committee and spoke highly of the animation for its entertainment value. Could you direct me to a person or organization who is currently in possession of "Laserium"? I would like to obtain this animation for its historical value. Thank you, Nick T.
posted about 4 years ago
Hello, I'm also wondering about the animation "Laserium." I would love to be able to obtain it for its archival significance. Please contact me if you have a copy or not. Huge thanks! -Reed G. (Sorry Nick for kinda copying your question)
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