related events for 'ZUSE Graphomat Z 64' (316 events)
Institute of Contemporary Arts, ICA
Cybernetic Serendipity
August 2, 1968 - October 20, 1968
Kunsthalle Bremen
Ex Machina – Frühe Computergrafik bis 1979
June 17, 2007 - August 26, 2007
Dürhammer Galerie
Manfred Mohr
March 4, 1994 - April 16, 1994
Museum Ritter
September 18, 2005 - April 23, 2006
National Gallery of Modern Art
Computer Art
1972 - 1972
Kunsthalle Bremen
Mutualité. Kurd Alsleben und Antje Eske. Von der Computerzeichnung zur Netzaffaire 1961-2006
November 21, 2006 - January 14, 2007
Museum of Modern Art, New York
The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age
November 27, 1968 - February 9, 1969
New Tendencies (Movement)
(Un)Ordnung. (Dés)Ordre
16/32 2007
1971 Fall Joint Computer Conference
1977 International Computer Arts Exhibition
25 Jahre Computerkunst - Grafik, Animation und Technik
25 Jahre Computerkunst – Grafik, Animation und Technik
4 Livrimages
45th Biennale (Venecia) June 13, 1993
66. Herbstausstellung
9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering
A Life of Its Own 1997
ACM '76, The Association for Computing Machinery Annual Conference
Age of Electronics 1992
Aktion mit Objekten 1974
Algorithmus und Zufall November 25, 2005 Exhibition, group
Another Dimension 1977
ArCade III
Ars + Machina
Art + Technology: Maggie Dorning/Norman White
Art Concret
Art Constructivise à Paris
Art Construit
Art and Science
Art and the Computer
Art et Imagination Scientifique
Art of the Space Era
Arte Programmata e Cinetica – 1953-1963
related events for 'ZUSE Graphomat Z 64' (316 events)