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Planar Illustration Method and Apparatus William Alan Fetter & W. D. Bernhart 1970 other
Potrait of the artist as a young scientist Kenneth C. Knowlton 2005
Praxeologie Kurd Alsleben & Wolfgang Wehrstedt, eds. 1966 book (anthology)
Prints & Plots: Computerkunst '86 [ error making ident string for Agent #865! ] & Städtische Galerie im Rathauspark, eds. 1986
Programm-Information PI-21 Frieder Nake, et al. 1966 brochure
Programmierte Phantasie Karl-Heinz Werler 1991
Projekte generativer Ästhetik. (The projects of generative aesthetics) Georg Nees & Max Bense 1965 article
Projekte generativer Ästhetik. Elektronische Rechenanlagen realisierten programmierte ästhetische Objekte Max Bense 1965 article
Questions, sans reponse, à propos de ”arbres et collines” Vera Molnar 2005
Randomness in Computer Graphics Jasia Reichardt, ed. 1971
Re-shuffle article
ReConnaître. Vera Molnar 2001
Regards sur mes Images Vera Molnar 1984 article
Reise in die Farbe Rot (2000) Vera Molnar 2000
Reputations Made And in Making Stuart Duncan Preston 1965
Resonance/Electromagnetic Bodies 2005-2006
Responsive environments Myron W. Krueger 1977 article
Rethinking a Systems Aesthetic Mitchell Whitelaw 1998 article
Review of "The Machine" Reginald Gadney 1970 article
Review of A.Michael Noll's 'The Digital Computer as creative Medium' 1968 article
Review: Computer Art and Human Response Alan Sutcliffe 1969 article
Revue d’Esthétique
Rolf Garnich: Konstruktion, Design, Ästhetik. Esslingen: Rolf Garnich 1968
SPARTA, a Procedure Oriented Programming for the Manipulation Language of Arbitrary Line Drawings Leslie Mezei 1968 article
Science in Art in Science Leslie Mezei 1968-1970 article
Semiosis Max Bense & Elisabeth Walther-Bense, eds. periodical (journal)
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Shape grammars and their uses artificial perception, shape generation and computer aesthetics James Gips 1975 book (anthology)
Shifting Polarities. Interview with Norman White Caroline Seck Langill 05/02/2006
related publications for 'Computer Graphics and Art - Nov 76 ' (425 publications)