Petar Milojević | i |
last name: Milojević
first name: Petar
also known as: Peter Milojevic

Petar Milojevic’s home country was former Yugoslavia (Serbia).
He has been with McGill University in Montreal, Québec (Canada).
Today, he is living in Australia.

He did geometry-inspired early computer graphics in the 1960s and participated in the important exhibitions of the second half of the 1960s.

posted about 9 years ago
Peter Milojevic
posted almost 9 years ago
I am creator of these computer graphics and many others 40-50 years ago, some exhibited, published, etc. some under Peter or Petar depending on language use. You may contact me by email at
posted about 7 years ago
Poštovani, ja se zovem Darko Bekić. Živim u Zagrebu,Hrvatska. Ljubitelj sam i mali kolekcionar rane kompjuterske umjetnosti iz 60-ih i 70-ih godina. Jako mi se sviđaju vaši radovi iz tog vremena Zanima me da li imate neku od svojih grafika, štampanih na plotteru, na prodaju ?
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