Hans Dehlinger | i |
last name: Dehlinger
first name: Hans
birthday: 1939
birth-place: Stetten i. Remstal (Germany)

Hans Dehlinger is one of those artists who are obsessed by the quality of the line. Coming from a crafts background, he later studied architecture in Stuttgart, the “valley of the architects”, as it used to be called during the 1960s. After earning a second Master’s degree and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, he became a professor at the University of Kassel in Germany. During his career there, he turns more and more to computer art, the algorithmic branch. The line as it is drawn under algorithmic control on automatic plotters becomes his topic to which he contributes many experiments and design studies.

He has participated in many exhibitions world-wide, and has been teaching in the USA, China, Jordan, and Korea. He belongs to the loose group of the algorists.

See his website for publications, exhibitions, works.


1939 born in the little town of Stetten im Remstal, a wine-growing area of Baden-Württemberg in Germany, not far from Stuttgart

1961 graduates from high school, after before having been an apprentice in carpeting

1961 right after high school, student of architecture at Institute of Technology Stuttgart (now: University)

1968 finishes with the degree of a Dipl.Ing. Architektur

1969 graduates with an M.Arch. from University of California, Berkeley

1970-1973 Teaching Associate at College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley

1973-1980 Oberassistent (sort of lecturer) at Institut für Grundlagen der Planung, University of Stuttgart

1978 Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

1980 professor at University of Kassel, where he turns more and more to computer art. Participates in many exhibitions worldwide

1991-2004 Director of the Institut für Rechnergestütztes Darstellen und Entwerfen, University of Kassel (Institute of computer-assisted design)

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