Frieder Nake. Licht ins Dunkel | i |
title: Frieder Nake. Licht ins Dunkel
type: Exhibition, group

An exhibition in honor of Frieder Nake.

The impulse for the exhibition came from two occasions:
First, a birthday and second, the 50 years of pioneering work of Frieder Nake.

The exhibition showed a number of known as well as unknown works by Frieder Nake.
In addition, artist friends, Nake students and other students were invited to create an interpretation of a work by Frieder Nake. Among them are appealing works by Casey Reas, Mark Amerika, Brian Reffin Smith, Wolfgang Zach, Hans Dehlinger, Mike Weiser, Ulrich Bernhardt, Boris Müller and others.

Opening with speeches by Wulf Herzogenrath, Ingmar Lähnemann, Heidi Schelhowe and Andrea Sick.

Idea and realization by Susanne Grabowski


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