Thomas Michael Stephens is a US American constructivist artist who, together with Jon Brees Thogmartin, founded the The Art Research Center (ARC) in Kansas City, Missouri.
Thomas Michael Stephens
| i |
last name: | Stephens |
first name: | Thomas Michael |
birthday: | 1941 |
birth-place: | Arkansas (USA) |
1963 | Produced his first three-dimensional objects made of plastic, aluminium and steel. |
1963 – 67 | Travelled through the USA and Canada; met Naum Gabo and George Rickey among others. |
1965 | Founded the Art Research Center in Kansas City for architects, designers and fine artists. |
Artist Groups
Exhibitions organized
Member of institutions
posted about 9 years ago
t.m. stephens was co-founder of art research center. jon brees thogmartin was other co-founder.
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