California Computer Products | i |
name: California Computer Products

CalComp Technology, Inc., Anaheim, CA, USA, known as CalComp, founded in 1959, produced plotters, digitizers, and other graphic input and output devices. In 1968, CalComp organized an international competition for computer and plotter art. The firm published and distributed works by Doyle Cavin, Ace Hudson, Dee Hudson, Larry Jenkins, Jane Moon, and Kerry Strand. It was bought by Lockheed in the 1980s and closed production in 1999.

Exhib.: 1968, Cybernetic Serendipity, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London. 1969, Tendencies 4.

Source: CalComp

posted about 10 years ago
Hello, I have one of these prints and was wondering if they sought after or Rare?. I just bought one ( the snail) from the salvation Army. Very cool History here thanks for sharing. Best Regards, Eric
posted about 10 years ago
We are looking for early work. Contact:
posted about 9 years ago
My father worked at calcomp in the 60's and I have three of these originals. Are they worth anything?
posted over 7 years ago
very FEW originals and none signed were permitted by CALCOMP so we quit making then. I was the supervisor of the demo room equipment and a few programmers. Kerry Strand was in my group. I had 250 high quality unsigned lithographs of the Snail, the Fisherman, and the Wheat made and sold them to raise tuition money for 2 brothers and most of those were sold in Hawaii where brother Hugh Jenkins taught chemistry at Punahough High School and is now known for his "Big Island Glass" glass shop. If you paid more than $5, thank you!!! The Snail was a 4-1/2 hour single pen down stroke with perfect ink flow. Symbol Graphics (SGI) is my company but Calcomp tried to compete with Cas-Mate engineering software and failed. I wrote Letter-Art in 1982 and was the FIRST to offer DOS and FORTRAN sign making software with Ioline plotters that required a child's wood burning hot tip to melt (cut) vinyl. I offered the software to CalComp because the engineers had a knife cutting carriage but did not make a production copy and then failed as a corporation. SGI lives on after 35 years of customers. Larry Jenkins
posted about 7 years ago
My father (Robert Beebe) worked at Stanford in the late 60's and I found a handful of his plotter art pieces and a "Certificate of Merit" from Calcomp (dated 27 Feb 1969) for the "Plotter Art 1968" show. Signed by Lester Kilpatrick. I was curious about the show and just found this webpage. Thanks for sharing! =stan
posted about 7 years ago
I am a computer graphics pioneer writing a book on early computer graphics. I am trying to get in touch with people who worked at Calcomp like you Mr. Larry Jenkins. Or anybody having an information on an artwork or Calcomp document like you Mr. Stan Beebe, Eric and others. Would you please contact me directly through "" since I don't know how to contact you from this page. I hope you will come back and read this. Thank you very much in advance! Tom Mikulic, Australia
posted about 5 years ago
I have four reproductions of selected entries to the 1968 Art Contest sponsored by Computers & Automation Magazine. They came in a portfolio with a letter from "Compro" signed and dated October 18th 1968 by Marty Lou Mundt. The reproductions are Plexus, Idealized Brush Strokes, Inspiralation and Hummingbird. Is this package worth anything? I paid $3 For the lot so I'm not sure. TIA
posted about 3 years ago
I am interested in purchasing prints or the complete folio, "A Selection of Winning Entries from the 1968 Annual Computer Art Contest". Drop me a line at – James
posted over 2 years ago
posted over 2 years ago
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posted over 2 years ago
posted over 2 years ago
posted over 2 years ago
I have some Calcomp plots and would like to here the opinion of Larry Jenkins and Stan Beebe on these – I am interested in photos and documents of the CalComp group exhibiting in Zagreb. Thanks: And: Like other collectors and art dealers posting here: I am also interested in purchasing prints from "A Selection of Winning Entries from the 1968 Annual Computer Art Contest" and others
posted over 2 years ago
I have some Calcomp plots and would like to here the opinion of Larry Jenkins and Stan Beebe on these – I am interested in photos and documents of the CalComp group exhibiting in Zagreb. Thanks: And: Like other collectors and art dealers posting here: I am also interested in purchasing prints from "A Selection of Winning Entries from the 1968 Annual Computer Art Contest" and others
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