Otto Beckmann (1908 - 1997) : zwischen Mystik und Kalkül | i |
title: Otto Beckmann (1908 - 1997) : zwischen Mystik und Kalkül
date: September 19, 2008 – November 23, 2008

This exhibition on one of the pioneers of computer art, Otto Beckmann, can be seen as part of the interest of the New Gallery Graz in the history and importance of mathematical-logical rule systems, respectively methods, for art.

Accompanying to the exhibition, a panel discussion was organized on the occasion of the “Lange Nacht der Museen” [Museum Night] on October 4th 2008. It was moderated by Margit Rosen and discussed topics of ars intermedia and international computer art with contemporary witnesses and companions of Otto Beckmanns. Participants included Oskar Beckmann, Richard Beckmann, Richard Eier, Alfred Graßl, Peter Peer and Gerhard Schedl.

The New Gallery Graz has some information about the exhibtion on their website, but they are only available in German.

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