20th Century Computer Art: Beginnings and Developments. The Work and Thought of Pioneers and Contemporary Practitioners of Algorithmic Art | i |
title: 20th Century Computer Art: Beginnings and Developments. The Work and Thought of Pioneers and Contemporary Practitioners of Algorithmic Art
year: 2006
archive code: 1978 005
Bibliographic Entry

Bense, Max, et al. 2006. 20th Century Computer Art: Beginnings and Developments. The Work and Thought of Pioneers and Contemporary Practitioners of Algorithmic Art. Tokyo, Japan:Tama Art University Museum

An ambitious exhibition at the Art University Museum in Tokyo, Japan, combined, from November 3 to December 17, 2006, historic and contemporary works of computer art. Contributing artists from Japan were: Hiroshi Kawano, Elichi Izuhara, Koji Kusabuka,Chihaya Shimomura, Akihiro Kubota, Computer Technique Group, Masao Kohmura, Yoshiyuki Abe, Atsuhiko Iwakoshi. International contributers were Georg Nees, Herbert W. Franke, Frieder Nake, Eugen Roth, Wolfgang Kiwus, A. Michael Noll, Harold Cohen, Manfred Mohr, Edward Zajec, Roman Verostko, Vera Molnar, Erwin Steller, Hervé Huitric, Monique Nahas, and Manuel Barbadillo.

Some or even most of the works exhibited after the show went to the Tama Art University’s Museum.

The publication is a catalogue containing three essays by contemporary Japanese and four essays about the origins of computer art. Furthermore, there is a chronology about developments in computer art and artist’s profile.

posted almost 10 years ago
My nam e is Laurent Germeau. I am the Publisher of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels. In September we are presenting an exhibition called : 2050, a brief history of the future, based on a book by Jacques Attali a French intellectual. In this exhibition we will show one of the art work of Kohmura Masao: Running Cola is Africa Arti, a loan by the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. I am trying to contact Mr Kohmura Masao to obtain the right to reproduce this piece of art in the catalogue. Would yo uby any chance know how to contact him, Best regards, Laurent Germeau
posted almost 10 years ago
Dear Laurent Germeau, I am sorry for the delay in answering your question. I was in Rio for two weeks because of an exhibition there on early algorithmic art. Before leaving, I had sent your question to Yoshi Abe who is an expert and contributor himself in Japanese computer art. From him, I get this answer: "I guess the right is in group(CTG) management today. Masao Kohmura is now a prof. of Chukyo University in Toyota city, Aichi prefecture. Because of language barrier, making contact with his colleague professor, Prof Dr Kazufumi Oizumi is the best way to get further info. He knows all about CTG and its members. Prof Dr Kazufumi Oizumi email: ooizumi@sist.chukyo-u.ac.jp" I am certain, if you follow this advice, you will be successful. Frieder Nake
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