Manuel Barbadillo | i |
last name: Barbadillo
first name: Manuel
birthday: 1929
birth-place: Sevilla (Spain)
death date: 2003
died in: Málaga (Spain)

Manuel Barbadillo is one of the early proponents of computer art in Spain.

He´s also a founding member of the group Nueva Generación in Madrid and a member of the artistic board of the Gesellschaft für Computerkunst und Computergrafik, which was founded in 1978.

Barbadillo received the Pablo-Ruiz-Picasse-Prize in 1999.
He is member of the Computer Arts Society.


MY WAY TO CYBERNETICS – Text by the artist featured in Artist and Computer.


1929 Born in Sevilla, Spain.
1951 Studies in the “Escuela de Artes y Oficios” of Sevilla.
1954 He participated in his first colective exhibition.
1955 military service took him to Ceuta in Marocco.
1959 He moves to New york where he works as painter and lives until 1962.
1968 Barbadillo made a computer course in the Centro de Cálculos of Madrid University and was invited by Camarero, García Ernesto to make a work proposal for this institution.
1968 Barbadillo was a founding member of the Seminar Generación Automática de Formas Plásticas and was an active member until 1972.
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