Art Ex Machina (Portfolio) | i |
title: Art Ex Machina (Portfolio)
year: 1972
Bibliographic Entry

Barbadillo, Manuel, et al., Gheerbrant, Gilles, ed. 1972. Art Ex Machina (Portfolio).

Art Ex Machina is a portfolio of six silk-screen prints of computer-generated images. It was edited and published by Gilles Gheerbrant in Montréal, Canada. It contains one print and a short text by each of the six artists Barbadillo, Kawano, Knowlton, Mohr, Nake, and Nees. In additition, there is an introductory text by Abraham A. Moles.

The six silk-screen prints were printed by Pierre Foisy in Montréal. The edition comprises 200 signed and numbered portfolios plus épreuves d’artists.
Copies belong, e.g., to the Victoria & Albert Museum London, to ZKM Karlsruhe, and to the Anne and Michael Spalter Collection in Connecticut, USA.

posted about 10 years ago
nous cherchons à connaitre la valeur de ces oeuvres numerotées E.A. XXI/XXV en parfait état pour les vendre merci d'une reponse
posted about 10 years ago
adresse mail
posted over 5 years ago
do you have a portfolio for sale and what does it cost?
posted about 5 years ago
The editor, Gilles Gheerbrant, now living in France, still has a few of the portfolio for sale. They have become much more expensive than they originally sold for. – Frieder Nake 17 July 2019
posted almost 5 years ago
I want to sale my collection of Art ex machina (6 serigraphies) 198/200
posted almost 5 years ago
i'm looking to buy a portfolio, please contact me at
posted over 4 years ago
does anyone know the dimensions, in cm, of this portfolio ?
posted about 1 year ago
Does anyone have a figure of what the Art Ex Machina collection (all 6 images) might sell for now? I am a trustee of Ken Knowlton's estate.
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