(101 publications)
A Little-Known Story about a Movement, a Magazine, and the Computer's Arrival in Art: New Tendencies and Bit International, 1961-1973 Margit Rosen, ed. 2011 book (anthology)
A report on the art and technology program of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art 1967-1971 Maurice Tuchman, ed. 1971 book (anthology)
Aaron's code : meta-art, artificial intelligence, and the work of Harold Cohen Pamela McCorduck 1991 book (anthology)
Apparative Kunst : vom Kaleidoskop z. Computer Herbert W. Franke & Gottfried Jaeger, eds. 1973 book (anthology)
Art and Electronic Media Edward A. Shanken, ed. 2009 book (anthology)
Art et ordinateur Abraham André Moles 1971 book (anthology)
Art of the electronic age Frank Popper 1993 book (anthology)
Artificial Reality Myron W. Krueger 1983 book (anthology)
Artificial Reality II Myron W. Krueger 1991 book (anthology)
Artist and Computer Ruth Leavitt, ed. 1976 book (anthology)
Artists as Inventors - Inventors as Artists Dieter Daniels & Barbara U. Schmidt, eds. 2008 book (anthology)
Beyond art : a third culture : a comparative study in cultures, art, and science in 20th century Austria and Hungary Peter Weibel & Béla Julesz, eds. 2005 book (anthology)
Computer Grafik. Ästhetische Experimente zwischen zwei Kulturen. Die Anfänge der Computerkunst in den 1960er Jahren Christoph Klütsch 2007 book (anthology)
Computer art and Human Response Lloyd Sumner 1968 book (anthology)
Computer und Kunst : programmierte Gestaltung: Wurzeln und Tendenzen neuer Ästhetiken Erwin Steller 1992 book (anthology)
Computergraphik Computerkunst Herbert W. Franke 1971 book (anthology)
Computerkunst - Form als ethisches Fragen Kurd Alsleben 1992 book (anthology)
Computers for the Arts Richard C. Higgins 1970 book (anthology)
Computers in art, design and animation Robert John Lansdown & R. A. Earnshaw 1989 book (anthology)
Cybernetic Serendipity. The Computer and the Arts Jasia Reichardt, ed. 1968 book (anthology)
Cybernetics, Art, and Ideas Jasia Reichardt, ed. 1971 book (anthology)
Cézanne et le cubisme, thèse de fin d’étude Vera Molnar, ed. 1947 book (anthology)
Das große Buch der Kunst. Von der Höhlenmalerei bis zur Pop Art David Wilkins, ed. 2008 book (anthology)
Der Bewegte Betrachter. Theorien der interaktiven Medienkunst. Annette Hünnekens, ed. 1997 book (anthology)
Design - Kunst - Computer: Der Computer in den künstlerischen Bereichen Hans Dehlinger, et al. 1991 book (anthology)
Design, Nature, and Revolution: Toward a Critical Ecology Tomas Maldonado 1972 book (anthology)
Dialogues on perception Béla Julesz, ed. 1995 book (anthology)
Die Kunst der Anerkennung Kurd Alsleben, et al. 2007 book (anthology)
Die präzisen Vergnügen. Die frühen grafischen Blätter und neue interaktive Installationen book (anthology)
Digital Art Wolf Lieser, ed. 2009 book (anthology)
(101 publications)