(96 publications)
20 Jahre Computergrafik Frieder Nake 1985 article
A Computer in the Art Room: The Origins of British Computer Arts 1950-1980 Catherine Mason 2008 book (monograph)
A Little-Known Story about a Movement, a Magazine, and the Computer's Arrival in Art: New Tendencies and Bit International, 1961-1973 Margit Rosen, ed. 2011 book (anthology)
AT&T vs. Bell Labs A. Michael Noll 2016 article
Aaron's code : meta-art, artificial intelligence, and the work of Harold Cohen Pamela McCorduck 1991 book (anthology)
Algorithmus und Kunst »Die präzisen Vergnügen« Frieder Nake & Diethelm Stoller, eds. 1993 book (catalog)
Art et ordinateur Abraham André Moles 1971 book (anthology)
Art ex Machina A. Michael Noll 1970 article
Art of the electronic age Frank Popper 1993 book (anthology)
Artistic Design by Computer Leslie Mezei 1964 article
Auf der Suche nach Paul Klee oder: Der Versuch einer Extrapolation (2001) Vera Molnar 2001
Automata in History Gustav Metzger 1969 article
Beckmann's Studio Computers Specified for Early Computer Art Horst Oberquelle & Oskar Beckmann 2008 article
Beiträge zur aktuellen Kunst Sigurd Rompza & Jo Enzweiler, eds.
Briefe der Mutter als Anregung für die Lettres de ma Mère Sigurd Rompza
Choreography and Computers A. Michael Noll 1967 article
Comments on Visual Fine Art Produced by Digital Computers Frank Joseph Malina 1971 article
Computer Animation and the Fourth Dimension A. Michael Noll article
Computer Art: A Bibliography Leslie Mezei 1968 article
Computer Graphics for society - Part 1 Leslie Mezei 1970
Computer Graphics for society - Part 2 Leslie Mezei 1970 article
Computer-Generated Three-Dimensional Movies A. Michael Noll
Computerart Leslie Mezei 1968 article
Computers and the Visual Arts Leslie Mezei 1967 article
Computers and the Visual Arts A. Michael Noll 1966 article
Cybernetic Serendipity. The Computer and the Arts Jasia Reichardt, ed. 1968 book (anthology)
Cybernetic Serendipity: Getting rid of preconceptions Jasia Reichardt 1968 article
Cybernetics, Art, and Ideas Jasia Reichardt, ed. 1971 book (anthology)
Cézanne et le cubisme, thèse de fin d’étude Vera Molnar, ed. 1947 book (anthology)
Das verletzte Quadrat Vera Molnar 1975
(96 publications)