related publications for 'Simulated Basilar Membrane Motion (3-D)' (425 publications)
Ars ex machina - Zur Kunst auf CD-Rom Dieter Daniels 1994
Art Ex Machina (Portfolio) Gilles Gheerbrant, ed. 1972 other
Art and Electronic Media Edward A. Shanken, ed. 2009 book (anthology)
Art and communication Max Bense 1965 article
Art et ordinateur Abraham André Moles 1971 book (anthology)
Art ex Machina A. Michael Noll 1970 article
Art of Conversation Ernest A. Edmonds & Francesca Franco 2010
Art of the electronic age Frank Popper 1993 book (anthology)
Art, Time and Technology Charlie Gere 2006
Artfacts other
Artificial Reality Myron W. Krueger 1983 book (anthology)
Artificial Reality II Myron W. Krueger 1991 book (anthology)
Artist and Computer Ruth Leavitt, ed. 1976 book (anthology)
Artistic Design by Computer Leslie Mezei 1964 article
Artists as Inventors - Inventors as Artists Dieter Daniels & Barbara U. Schmidt, eds. 2008 book (anthology)
Artists/Computers/Art 1982
Arts organization doubles its box office earnings Martin Huckerby article
Arts, computers, and mathematics Charles "Chuck" Csuri & James Shaffer 1968 article
Au Commencement: Arbres et Collines géométriques Vincent Baby 2005
Auf der Suche nach Paul Klee oder: Der Versuch einer Extrapolation (2001) Vera Molnar 2001
Augenblick Max Bense & Elisabeth Walther-Bense, eds. 1955-1961 periodical (journal)
Automata in History Gustav Metzger 1969 article
Beast in the Machine Ursula Huws 04/03/1997 article
Beckmann's Studio Computers Specified for Early Computer Art Horst Oberquelle & Oskar Beckmann 2008 article
Beiträge zur aktuellen Kunst Sigurd Rompza & Jo Enzweiler, eds.
Beyond Modern Sculpture: The Effects of Science and Technology on the Sculpture of This Century Jack Wesley Burnham Jr. 1968
Beyond art : a third culture : a comparative study in cultures, art, and science in 20th century Austria and Hungary Peter Weibel & Béla Julesz, eds. 2005 book (anthology)
Bilder Digital. Computerkünstler in Deutschland 1986 Alexander Kempkens & Barbara Kempkens, eds. 1986
Briefe der Mutter als Anregung für die Lettres de ma Mère Sigurd Rompza
Bälle für Rotozaza 1968 article
related publications for 'Simulated Basilar Membrane Motion (3-D)' (425 publications)