»Crest« by Kerry Strand / California Computer Products | i |
creators: Kerry Strand / California Computer Products
title: Crest
year: mid 1960s

drawing, b/w, computer-generated

artwork type: drawing

produced on Calcomp 770 tape system and model 763 drum plotter (zip mode). Plotting time took 5 minutes.

posted over 10 years ago
Hi. I have a couple prints that include "Hummingbird" by Kerry Strand. If anybody is interested in purchasing please let me know. Thank you, Lisa Fraser
posted almost 10 years ago
Hi Lisa, how can I get in contact? Best Wolf
posted almost 10 years ago
Hi Lisa, how can I get in contact? Best Wolf
posted almost 10 years ago
My name is Wolf Lieser and you find me with DAM Gallery. I'm preparing a show on early digital art.
posted over 9 years ago
My dad started a business outside phila in 1968 called Systems Design and Development Corporation. I retrieved a few from our home when my parents moved. Lisa
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