bit international 7, dialogue with the machine (1971) | i |
title: bit international 7, dialogue with the machine (1971)
year: 1971
Bibliographic Entry

[unkown author] 1971. bit international 7, dialogue with the machine (1971). [unknown address]:[unknown publisher]

bit international 7. dialogue with the machine
Magazine cover and contents Editors: Boris Kelemen and Radoslav Putar
Texts by Marc Adrian, Kurd Alsleben, Jonathan Benthall, Vladimir Bonacic, Compos 68 (J. B. Bedaux, J. Clausman, A. Veen), Charles A. Csuri, Herbert W. Franke, Karl Gerstner, Josef Hlavacek, Vera Horvat-Pintaric, Gordon Hyde, Martin Krampen, Robert Mallary, Gustav Metzger, Leslie Mezei, Petar Milojevic, Frieder Nake, Evan Harris Walker

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