Charles "Chuck" Csuri | i |
last name: Csuri
first name: Charles "Chuck"
birthday: July 4, 1922
birth-place: Grant Town, West Virginia (USA)

Charles A. Csuri is an artist, a computer graphics pioneer and a Professor Emeritus, at The Ohio State University. He has been experimenting with computer graphics technology since 1963 and by 1965 had started creating computer animated films, most well known of which is the ‘Hummingbird’ from 1967, purchased by the Museum of moder Art, New York.

The 4th International Experimental Film Festival, Brussels, Belgium, 1967, awarded him the prize for animation. His work was highlighted in the exhibition Cybernetic Serendipity held at The Institute for Contemporary Art, London, England, 1968.

With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), he directed basic research in computer graphics for over 22 years which generated 15 major projects and engaged more than forty graduate students in computer science and over fifty students from the field of art in the research. The results of the research have been applied to flight simulators, computer-aided design, visualization of scientific phenomena , magnetic resonance imaging, education for the deaf, architecture, and special effects for television and films.

Csuri’s recurring themes that have effected his “creative partnership” with the computer in exploring the aesthetic object include object transformation, randomness, collaboration and hierarchical levels of control.

Media art history texts have always featured Csuri’s early works as important examples computer generated art. Siggraph has also offically recognized him as a computer graphics pioneer. He has been referred to as the “master of the digital renaissance” for his skillful blending of fine arts and science by Karla Loring.

The Charles A. Csuri Collection is located in the Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD), College of the Arts, The Ohio State University which also maintains a biographical website – CsuriProject.

Early works of Charles Csuri are in the collections of Joe Ferrer, Roy Lichtenstein and Georg Segal.


1943-1945 Certificate in Engineering, Newark College of Engineering, Newark, New Jersey
1943-1946 Military service
1947 B.F.A., Art, The Ohio State University (OSU), 1947
1948 M.A. in Art, OSU
1949 Joins faculty of the Department of Art, OSU
1955-1965 Exhibitions as a professional artist in New York.
1963 Begins creating After the Artist series
1964 Uses IBM 7094 with FORTRAN, IBM 1130 to control plotter
1966 Begins creating computer animated films
1967 Awarded prize for animation at the 4th International Experimental Film Festival, Brussels, Belgium for Hummingbird
1968 Work highlighted in the exhibition Cybernetic Serendipity, held at the Institute for Contemporary Art, London, England
1968 Hummingbird animation is purchased by the Museum of Modern Art, New York
1969 Awarded National Science Foundation (NSF) grant; first grant awarded to an artist; grants continue through 1987
1970 PDP 11/45 with Vector General display
1970 Organized Interactive Sound and Visual Systems, a major exhibition on technology and the arts, OSU.
1971 Founded Computer Graphics Research Group (CGRG), OSU; served as Director through 1986, when CGRG became the Advanced Computing Center for Art and Design (ACCAD)
1978 Professor of Art Education
1978 VAX 11/780 workstation
1979 Awarded the first United States Navy contract.
1981 Started a commercial CGI venture Cranston/Csuri Productions Inc.(CCP) which was operational til 1987.
1983 Distinguished Research Award, The Ohio State University
1984 Keynote speaker at Nicograph, Tokyo, Japan
1985 Golden Eagle award, Visual Communications Congress, New York
1986 Professor of Computer and Information Science
1986 Founded ACCAD; served as Director through 1990
1986 Exhibited at the 42nd Biennale de Venezia, Venice, Italy
1987 ACCAD given the Center of Excellence Award by the Ohio Board of Regents
1988 Profiled on Portrait of America, CNN television documentary
1989 Awarded Distinction Prix Ars Electronica, International Compendium of the Computer Arts, for Mask of Fear
1990 Awarded Distinction Prix Ars Electronica, International Compendium of the Computer Arts, for Gossip
1990 Exhibited at the Smithsonian, Washington, D.C.
1990 Feature article in Art E Dossier by Dr. Maurizio Calvesi
1991 Ph.D. dissertation on Csuri’s art and research completed at the New York University
1992 Keynote speaker at Nicograph, Tokyo, Japan
1994 Distinguished Alumnus Award, Ohio State University Alumni Club of Franklin County
1995 Csuri’s work appears on the cover of Smithsonian magazine
1995 Csuri Vision, WOSU/PBS one-hour retrospective
1996 Professional Achievement Award, Ohio State University Alumni Association
1996 Exhibition at SIGGRAPH, Csuri image as cover of proceedings
1998 Profiled in the New York Times
1999 Highlighted in History of Computer Graphics at SIGGRAPH conference
2000 Named Individual Artist of the Year by the State of Ohio
2000 Awarded the Joseph Sullivant Medal, Ohio State University’s highest honor
2000 Charles A. Csuri: In Search of Meaning, 1948–2000 exhibition at the Canzani Center of the Columbus College of Art and Design
2000 Virtual Glass exhibition, Riley Hawk Gallery, Columbus, Ohio
2006 Exhibition Charles Csuri: Beyond Boundaries, 1963–present
posted about 9 years ago
You kindy responded to my Tumblr enquiry re: my ATICE project with a question to which I wish to reply as follows: I would use seat sensors -see example: It would be a group light and colour creation resulting from sensor-pads on seats measuring individual heart rates, emotions, temperature etc. with the result reproduced on screen or in space. This might also have workplace applications. I would value your advice and guidance.
posted over 5 years ago
Mr.csuri my uncle Roland Stewart was there with you his brother was killed in action dont remember where but he is my hero was core of engineers thank you for your service and bravery he found the first concentration camp by his account he is an amazing man still remembered roads and places I have no idea of yalls dedication to this country but I solute you for your service
posted almost 5 years ago
Hi Charles, I am trying to get in touch with you as I am hoping to feature an image of your work in a book I am working on. Could you email me so I can let you know of the details? Thanks. Tega Brain.
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