Helmar Frank | i |
last name: Frank
first name: Helmar
birthday: February 19, 1933
birth-place: Waiblingen (Germany)

Helmar Frank, who studied under Max Bense and Abraham Moles, is a german mathematician and cyberneticist. He wrote a dissertation on Informationsästhetik – Grundlagenprobleme und erste Anwendung auf die mime pure [Information Aesthetics – Fundamental problems and initial application of the mime pure]. He founded the Institute of Cybernetics in Berlin and promotes the approach that computer can not produce art. He therefore attached great importance on calling the results of his working group aesthetical information and objects.

[Klütsch, 2007]
[Universität Paderborn, 2005]


1959 Receives a PhD under Max Bense for his dissertation Informationsästhetik – Grundlagenprobleme und erste Anwendung auf die mime pure [Information Aesthetics – Fundamental problems and initial application of the mime pure].
1960 Co-Founder of the journal Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft – Internationale Zeitschrift für Modellierung und Mathematisierung in den Humanwissenschaften [Fundamental studies of Cybernetics and Humanities – International Review for Modelling and Application of Mathematics in Humanities] together with Max Bense and Gerhard Eichhorn.
1961-1963 Scientific assistant at the Cybernetic Research Group called “Lernende Automaten” at the Technical University Karlsruhe.
1963 Becomes professor of Information Sciences (later Cybernetics) at the College of Education Berlin, where he also builds up the Institute of Cybernetics.
1972 Call as professor at the University – Comprehensive University Paderborn.
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