José María Yturralde | i |
last name: Yturralde
first name: José María
birthday: 1942
birth-place: Cuenca (Spain)

Member of the group Nueva Generación in Madrid and of the Generación Automática de Formas Plásticas seminar.
Yturralde´s early work as a cinetic artist, after the experience in the Centro de Calculos de la Universidad de Madrid turned into the analysis of imposible figures through computer graphics. He is also considered a pioneer in the use of laser, holograms and video in the context of spanish art instalations.

Co-author of “Hypergraphics. Visualizing Complex Relationship in Art, Science and Technology”.



1942 Born in Cuenca, Spain.
1960-1964 Studies Arts in Escuela Superior de San Carlos de Valencia.
1966-1967 becomes part of the group Nueva Generación
1969-1971 Participates in the seminar Generación Automática de Formas Plásticas
1974 Studies in the Center for Advanced Visual Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology del M.I.T.
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