Vladimir Bonačić | i |
last name: Bonačić
first name: Vladimir
birthday: October 20, 1938
birth-place: Novi Sad (Yugoslavia - Croatia)
death date: August 15, 1999
died in: Ittenbach (Germany)

Croatian computer artist and cybernetician. Scientist Vladimir Bonacic (Bonačić) began his artistic career in 1968 under the auspices of the international New Tendencies movement (NT).

In the late 60s, Bonacic materialized his scientific research in a series of dynamic light objects, interactive installations linked by electronic logic.

From 1968 to 1971 Bonacic created a series of “dynamic objects” —interactive computer-generated light installations, five of which were set up in public spaces.

Bonacic criticized the use of randomness in computer-based art, as he considers humans to be simply better in „making the ‘aesthetic program’ relevant for human beings”. It was precisely his interest in science, focused on communication, theory of perception, cybernetics, electronics, and computers, that brought him to investigate optical structures, as well as programmed images and sounds.


1938 Born in Novi Sad, but he lived in Zagreb from his childhood.
1961 Started on the movement of presenting different aspects of lumino-kinetic and neo-constructivist art.
1964 Obtained M. Sc. in nuclear electronics.
1964 Worked in the Croatian National Research Institute Ruder Boskovic in Zagreb.
1967 Earned his PhD in 1967 in the field of pattern recognition and hidden data structures, at the university of Zagreb.
1968 Began his artistic career under the auspices of the international movement New Tendencies and beginning cooperate with the Gallery of Modern Art in Zagreb.
1968 Started his first work with an artist Ivan Picelj which resulted in T-4 , presented in 1969 as one of 17 works.
1969-1973 Director of the Laboratory of Cybernetics at the Croatian National Research Institute Ruder Boskovic.
1969 Vladimir Bonacic explored interactivity on a social level, installing computer-based works in public spaces. In 1969 the large-scale public installation DIN. PR18 on the facade of the NAMA department store on Kvaternik square in Zagreb.
1971 Other public installations were set up in 1971 on the NAMA store on Ilica street in the very center of Zagreb and in Belgrade on the façade of the Museum of Contemporary Art.
1971 Co-founded BCD cybernetic art team with Miro A. Cimerman (software designer) and Dunja Donassy (architect and city planner).
1972 His first solo exhibition took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
from 1972 Organized an Art and Science school in Jerusalem, Israel.
1974 Coordinator of “the bat-sheva seminar on the interaction of art and science”, November 3rd to 14th, Israel.
1978 Returned to Croatia.
1979 Moved to Germany.
Artist Groups
posted over 10 years ago
Kao kolekcionara djela Novih tendencija, zanima me hrvatska kompjutorska umjetnost i, posebno, Vladimir Bonačić. Molim sve informacije slati na gornju e-mail adresu !
posted over 1 year ago
I was a friend and neighbour in 1974 in Ein Karen, Israel. I wonder how are his family? Any news? My information is under "teaching" in www.stephenmaron.ca 514 963-3236
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