related publications for 'Simulated Basilar Membrane Motion (3-D)' (425 publications)
Computer Graphics and Art - aug 77 Grace C. Hertlein, ed.
Computer Graphics for society - Part 1 Leslie Mezei 1970
Computer Graphics for society - Part 2 Leslie Mezei 1970 article
Computer art and Human Response Lloyd Sumner 1968 book (anthology)
Computer art: A visual model for the modular pictures of Manuel Barbadillo Michael Thompson 1972 article
Computer sculpture: Six Levels of Cybernetics Jack Wesley Burnham Jr. 1969 article
Computer und Kunst : programmierte Gestaltung: Wurzeln und Tendenzen neuer Ästhetiken Erwin Steller 1992 book (anthology)
Computer-Generated Three-Dimensional Movies A. Michael Noll
Computer-generated random dot images Carol Bosche 1967
Computerart Leslie Mezei 1968 article
Computergrafik Max Bense 1990 other
Computergrafik bei Wendelin Niedlich Max Bense 1965 other
Computergraphik Computerkunst Herbert W. Franke 1971 book (anthology)
Computerkunst Herbert W. Franke 1978
Computerkunst - Form als ethisches Fragen Kurd Alsleben 1992 book (anthology)
Computerkunst/Computer Art 2.010 Wolfgang Schneider, ed. 2010
Computerkunst: Zufall bei Zuse Konrad Zuse 1968 article
Computers and Automation Edmund C. Berkeley, ed.
Computers and Automation '67 Edmund C. Berkeley, ed. 1967
Computers and Automation '68 Edmund C. Berkeley, ed. 1968
Computers and Automation '69 Edmund C. Berkeley, ed. 1969
Computers and the Visual Arts Leslie Mezei 1967 article
Computers and the Visual Arts A. Michael Noll 1966 article
Computers and the arts article
Computers for the Arts Richard C. Higgins 1970 book (anthology)
Computers in art, design and animation Robert John Lansdown & R. A. Earnshaw 1989 book (anthology)
Copies available of Bernhart-Fetter Software Patent 1970 article
Cybernetic Serendipity (Time Magazine) article
Cybernetic Serendipity, or The Computer and the Creative Process in London 1968 article
Cybernetic Serendipity. The Computer and the Arts Jasia Reichardt, ed. 1968 book (anthology)
related publications for 'Simulated Basilar Membrane Motion (3-D)' (425 publications)