related publications for 'Nees, Plastik 1' (32 publications)
20th Century Computer Art: Beginnings and Developments. The Work and Thought of Pioneers and Contemporary Practitioners of Algorithmic Art Max Bense, et al. 2006
25 Jahre Computerkunst - Grafik, Animation und Technik 1989
A Little-Known Story about a Movement, a Magazine, and the Computer's Arrival in Art: New Tendencies and Bit International, 1961-1973 Margit Rosen, ed. 2011 book (anthology)
Algorithmus und Kunst »Die präzisen Vergnügen« Frieder Nake & Diethelm Stoller, eds. 1993 book (catalog)
Apparative Kunst : vom Kaleidoskop z. Computer Herbert W. Franke & Gottfried Jaeger, eds. 1973 book (anthology)
Art Ex Machina (Portfolio) Gilles Gheerbrant, ed. 1972 other
Beckmann's Studio Computers Specified for Early Computer Art Horst Oberquelle & Oskar Beckmann 2008 article
Computer Art Herbert W. Franke 1972
Computer Grafik. Ästhetische Experimente zwischen zwei Kulturen. Die Anfänge der Computerkunst in den 1960er Jahren Christoph Klütsch 2007 book (anthology)
Computergrafik Max Bense 1990 other
Computergrafik bei Wendelin Niedlich Max Bense 1965 other
Computergraphik Computerkunst Herbert W. Franke 1971 book (anthology)
Computers and the Visual Arts Leslie Mezei 1967 article
Die Anfänge der Computerkunst Heike M. Piehler 2002 book (monograph)
Digital Visions: Computers and Art Cynthia Goodman 1987
Ex Machina - Frühe Computergrafik bis 1979. Die Sammlung Franke und weitere Stiftungen in der Kunsthalle Bremen. Herbert W. Franke zum 80. Geburtstag Wulf Herzogenrath & Barbara Nierhoff-Wielk, eds. 2007 book (anthology)
Formel, Farbe, Form : Computerästhetik für Medien und Design Georg Nees 1995 book (anthology)
Generative Computergraphik Hans-Christian von Herrmann & Christoph Hoffmann, eds. 2006 book (anthology)
Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft Rul Gunzenhäuser, et al.
Howard Wise Gallery Show of Digital Art and Patterns (1965): A 50th Anniversary Memoir A. Michael Noll 2016 article
La Biennale di Venezia. Mostra del Manifesto d'Arte
Projekte generativer Ästhetik. (The projects of generative aesthetics) Georg Nees & Max Bense 1965 article
The Summer 1968 in London and Zagreb: Starting or End Point for Computer Art? Christoph Klütsch 2005 article
Towards Computer Art 1976
Visual Intelligence: The First Decade of Computer Art (1965-1975) Frank Dietrich 1986 article
Werkstattedition Kroll - Computergrafik 1970 other
What is Generative Art? Margaret A. Boden 2009 article
White Heat Cold Logic: British Computer Art 1960-1980 Paul Brown, et al., eds. 2008 book (anthology)
Z64 Graphomat and Frieder Nake Rhonda Bowlin 2010 online publication
ZeichenRaum. Digitale Medien in Studienumgebungen am Beispiel der Computerkunst Susan Grabowski 2007 book (e-book)
related publications for 'Nees, Plastik 1' (32 publications)