related publications for 'Algorithmus und Kunst »Die präzisen Vergnügen«' (100 publications)
20 Jahre Computergrafik Frieder Nake 1985 article
20th Century Computer Art: Beginnings and Developments. The Work and Thought of Pioneers and Contemporary Practitioners of Algorithmic Art Max Bense, et al. 2006
25 Jahre Computerkunst - Grafik, Animation und Technik 1989
A Little-Known Story about a Movement, a Magazine, and the Computer's Arrival in Art: New Tendencies and Bit International, 1961-1973 Margit Rosen, ed. 2011 book (anthology)
Algorithmus und Kunst »Die präzisen Vergnügen« Frieder Nake & Diethelm Stoller, eds. 1993 book (catalog)
Apparative Kunst : vom Kaleidoskop z. Computer Herbert W. Franke & Gottfried Jaeger, eds. 1973 book (anthology)
Art Ex Machina (Portfolio) Gilles Gheerbrant, ed. 1972 other
Artist and Computer Ruth Leavitt, ed. 1976 book (anthology)
Auf der Suche nach Paul Klee oder: Der Versuch einer Extrapolation (2001) Vera Molnar 2001
Beckmann's Studio Computers Specified for Early Computer Art Horst Oberquelle & Oskar Beckmann 2008 article
Computer Art Herbert W. Franke 1972
Computer Grafik. Ästhetische Experimente zwischen zwei Kulturen. Die Anfänge der Computerkunst in den 1960er Jahren Christoph Klütsch 2007 book (anthology)
Computer Graphics and Art - Aug 78 Charles "Chuck" Csuri, et al., eds.
Computer Graphics and Art - Feb 77 Charles "Chuck" Csuri, et al., eds. 1977
Computer Graphics and Art - Feb 78 Grace C. Hertlein, ed.
Computer Graphics and Art - May 78 Charles "Chuck" Csuri, et al., eds.
Computer Graphics and Art - Nov 76 Charles "Chuck" Csuri, et al., eds. 1976
Computer Graphics and Art - Nov 77 Charles "Chuck" Csuri, et al., eds. 1977
Computer Graphics and Art - aug 77 Grace C. Hertlein, ed.
Computergrafik Max Bense 1990 other
Computergrafik bei Wendelin Niedlich Max Bense 1965 other
Computergraphik Computerkunst Herbert W. Franke 1971 book (anthology)
Computerkunst Herbert W. Franke 1978
Computerkunst - Form als ethisches Fragen Kurd Alsleben 1992 book (anthology)
Computerkunst/Computer Art 2.010 Wolfgang Schneider, ed. 2010
Computers and Automation Edmund C. Berkeley, ed.
Computers and Automation '67 Edmund C. Berkeley, ed. 1967
Computers and the Visual Arts Leslie Mezei 1967 article
Cybernetic Serendipity. The Computer and the Arts Jasia Reichardt, ed. 1968 book (anthology)
Cézanne et le cubisme, thèse de fin d’étude Vera Molnar, ed. 1947 book (anthology)
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